Hello Everyone and Happy Mud Season! As the countdown begins to Memorial Day and beautiful Summer days ahead on the Averill Lakes - we have some news updates for you.
Citizen Science on Big and Little Averill
I'd like to thank Kim Hubbard for volunteering to conduct water clarity testing on Big Averill for 2022. Kim joins Don Tase who has been doing water clarity testing and sampling on Little Averill the past 2 years. This work comes under the auspices of the Vermont Lay Monitoring Program.
Susan Gresser, Connie Jackson, and Bernie Gracy were trained on March29th to capture and preserve water samples for Phosphorus and Nitrogen as well as site characterization on the 3 inbound tributaries of Little Averill under the auspices of the Vermont LaRosa Partnership Program. One of the challenges we have as the roads are closed for mud season is the desire by the state to start sampling next week. We have also been approached by another member if they can come join us and watch as we sample so they could in turn participate later in the year or in the '23 season. This is a many hands makes light work opportunity. Please let us know by email or at the Annual Meeting if you have interest.
Our continued thanks to Dave Leidy and the Lake View Store for being a hub for these samples. As we get the data from these efforts - we will publish it here at averilllakes.org
The ALA Partners with the VT Department of Fish & Wildlife and the VT Native Fish Coalition
We were invited to join a partnership with the Vermont Department of Fish and Wildlife and Native Fish Coalition regarding a sign project. A sign will be placed this Spring at each lake emphasizing the importance of cold, clean water and healthy shorelines for the long-term benefit of wild native lake trout.
This cooperative sign project targets nine oligotrophic lakes in Vermont with wild native lake trout populations. The signs are particularly relevant given rising trends in phosphorus levels and potential impact on fish populations. The intent is to educate the public about the presence of native lake trout and the important elements vital to their continued presence, namely healthy habitat and simple fish communities. These signs come at no cost to the ALA.
More information on the Vermont Native Fish coalition can be found here.
The ALA Announces a Logo Contest for the 2022 Annual Meeting
The Vermont Native Fish Coalition offered to put our logo on their website after we formed the partnership. However we do not have a logo! Thus the board of the ALA is asking you to put your creative hats on and submit a design at the Annual Meeting. The winning submission will not only be featured prominently on the website but we intend to create some new ALA merch for purchase in the fall that will feature the logo and potentially other submissions as well. Board member Craig Nolan is really hoping someone submits a design featuring a lake trout! If not you ask your kids or grandkids to participate! After the ALA Board has its meeting Memorial Day weekend we will post a reminder and a registration page if you would like to participate in the logo contest. Also as a reminder - you can register for Annual Meeting/Picnic right now at Events | My Site (averilllakes.org).
Notice of Vote to Amend the Bylaws at the Annual Meeting.
In a review of the bylaws the Board is recommending changing the language on the timing of the Annual Meeting. The language would change from "in the month of July" to "between Memorial Day Weekend and Labor Day Weekend (inclusive)". The intent is to provide more flexibility in setting not only the date but the potential venue for the Annual Meeting. This change of language needs to be ratified at the Annual Meeting to go into effect for the 2023 Annual Meeting (if the membership votes in the affirmative).
Thank you Rebecca Scott - the Averill Lakes Photo Gallery
Rebecca has been touching up the Averill Lakes website and has included a new curated gallery feature of member photos that highlight the beauty of our lakes and land. You can see the current gallery at Photo Gallery | My Site (averilllakes.org). In the next update we will communicate how you too can share your best photos of the most beautiful place on Earth.
On behalf of the Averill Lakes Association Directors and Leadership team,
Bernie Gracy