Our Projects
Tributary Monitoring on Little Averill
Trained ALA volunteers have been measuring Phosphorus and Nitrogen levels on the 3 inbound tributaries to Little Averill since 2022 in cooperation with the LaRosa Partnership Program.

AIS Prevention on Great and LIttle Averill
After a pilot project in 2023 - we launched an AIS prevention boat inspection program on both lakes during summer weekends in 2024.
Lake Wise
We are partnering with the Essex County Natural Resources Conservation District and VTDEC to provide provide free, non-regulatory, technical assistance and advice to lakeshore homeowners and recognize them for maintaining lake-friendly shorelands and practices via the Lake Wise program.

Lake Monitoring on Great and LIttle Averill
Trained ALA Volunteers are monitoring lake water quality on both lakes in partnership with VTDEC's Lay Monitoring Program

Averill Lakes Watershed Action Plan
With the leadership of with the Memphremagog Watershed Association and with funding provided by VT DEC - we are conducting a multi-year comprehensive lake watershed action plan for the Averill Lakes.
Wakesports Petition
The ALA has been at the forefront in public testimony and the creation & submission of a petition to ban wake sports on both of our lakes in deference to traditional uses.