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Averill Lakes Watershed Action Plan Public Meeting: 10 am - 12 pm Sunday June 30th at Jackson's Lodge

The Memphremagog Watershed Association (MWA), in partnership with the Essex County Natural Resources Conservation District (ECNRCD), and the Averill Lakes Association were awarded a contract by the Vermont Dept of Environmental Conservation (VTDEC) to develop a Lake Watershed Action Plan (LWAP) for Little & Great Averill Lakes. MWA & ECNRCD are thrilled to engage with the Averill community, stakeholders, and other partners through this 2-year process. What is a Lake Watershed Action Plan? An LWAP is a collaborative process, a strategic tool, and an actionable plan that works to protect and improve water quality and aquatic habitat. In-depth desktop and field assessments will evaluate the many tributaries, shorelands, roads and driveways, working forest lands, and other features of the landscape to characterize and prioritize potential restoration or enhancement projects. Through this process, our Team will identify the greatest threats to water quality, habitat, and lake ecosystem health. Results of the assessments and high-priority projects will be summarized in a final report, and 30% designs will be developed for the most significant and beneficial projects. The plan will be developed with community and stakeholder input to reflect the needs and character of the Averill watershed. On Sunday June 30th from 10 am to 12 pm, there will be a public meeting at Jackson's Lodge to review the LWAP process, present the watershed data library, and solicit public input on projection prioritization criteria and potential benefits. Hope to see you there! Bernie Gracy President, Averill Lakes Association

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